Per-Course Faculty and Teaching Affiliates

Per-Course Instructors (2024-2025)

Arturo Ezquerro-Cañete

Paul Black

Ryan Brothers

Stephen Brosha

Byron Peacock

Tuma Sakej Wilson


Teaching Affiliates

Paul Black
Teaching Affiliate, Per-Course Instructor
Research and Teaching Interests: Canadian Politics, Political Parties, Executive Leadership in Government

Ryan Brothers
Teaching Affiliate, Per-Course Instructor
Teaching Interests: Canadian Law and Politics

Mariah Cooper
Teaching Affiliate, Per-Course Instructor
Research Interests: Medieval History, Gender and Legal History, Medieval Criminality and Victimology

Natalie Ghosn
Teaching Affiliate, Per-Course Instructor
Research and Teaching: International Law, International Relations, Comparative Religion, Gender, Politics, Law

Byron Peacock
Teaching Affiliate, Per-Course Instructor


What is a Teaching Affiliate?
A Teaching Affiliate is a Part-Time Faculty Member who has continued institutional affiliation with Acadia University. The Teaching Affiliate designation is continuous so long as the faculty member is on the precedence list.