Dr. Erin Crandall

Law and Society Coordinator

Office: BAC 214
Phone: (902) 585-1239
Email: erin.crandall@acadiau.ca

Office Hours:


Ph.D. (McGill), M.A. (UBC), B.A. Hons (STU)

Research/Teaching Interests

  • Canadian government and politics
  • Judicial politics and courts
  • Election law
  • Gender and politics

Teaching (2024-2025)

  • POLS 1303FA02: Law, Politics & Government
  • POLS 2223FA01: Canadian Politics
  • LAWS 3003WI01: Approaches to Law and Society

Curriculum Vitae



Erin Crandall is a Professor in the Department of Politics and the Coordinator for the Law and Society Program at Acadia University. Her research and teaching focus on law and politics and Canadian politics, with particular interests in judicial selection systems, public support for courts, constitutional amendment, and election law. Her work has appeared in the Canadian Journal of Political Science, Canadian Journal of Law and Society, and Public Policy and Administration, among other publications.


Selected Publications

Edited Volumes

2019. What’s Trending in Canadian Politics? Understanding Transformations in Power, Media, and the Public Sphere. Edited by Mireille Lalancette, Vincent Raynauld and Erin Crandall. Vancouver: UBC Press.

Journal Articles

Lawlor, Andrea, and Erin Crandall. 2023. "The Canadian Charter’s Notwithstanding Clause as an Institutionalized Mechanism of Court Curbing." American Review of Canadian Studies 53(1): 1-21. [Open Access]

Crandall, Erin, and Andrea Lawlor. 2022. "Public Support for Canadian Courts: Understanding the Roles of Institutional Trust and Partisanship." Canadian Journal of Law and Society / Revue Canadienne Droit et Société 37(1): 91-112. [Open Access]

Crandall, Erin. 2022. “A Reflection of Canadian Society? An Analysis of Federal Appointments to Provincial Superior Courts by the Liberal Government of Justin Trudeau.” Dalhousie Law Journal 45(2): 359-384. [Open Access]

Crandall, Erin. 2022. “Amendment by Stealth of Provincial Constitutions in Canada.” University of Manitoba Law Journal 45(1): 173-197. [Open Access]

Lawlor, Andrea, and Erin Crandall. 2022. "Public opinion toward non-party campaign spending in the UK and Canada." Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 32(2): 449-468. 

Richez, Emmanuelle, and Erin Crandall. 2018. “Judicial Discretion as Political Choice: The Supreme Court of Canada’s Costs Awarding Power.” Canadian Journal of Political Science 51(4): 929-47.

Lawlor, Andrea, and Erin Crandall. 2018. “Policy versus Practice: Third Party Behaviour in Canadian Elections.” Canadian Public Administration 61(2): 246-65.

Lawlor, Andrea, and Erin Crandall. 2018. "Comparing Third Party Policy Frameworks: Regulating Third Party Electoral Finance in Canada and the United Kingdom." Public Policy and Administration 33(3): 332-53.

Crandall, Erin, and Andrea Lawlor. 2017. "The Politics of Judicial Appointment: Do Party Connections Impede the Appointment of Women to Canada’s Federally Appointed Courts?" Canadian Journal of Political Science 50(3): 823-47.

Lawlor, Andrea, and Erin Crandall. 2015. “Questioning Judges with a Questionable Process: An Analysis of Committee Appearances by Canadian Supreme Court Candidates.” Canadian Journal of Political Science 48(4): 863-83.

Crandall, Erin. 2015. “Defeat and Ambiguity: The Pursuit of Judicial Selection Reform for the Supreme Court of Canada.” Queen’s Law Journal 41(1): 73-104.

Crandall, Erin, and Andrea Lawlor. 2015. “Courting Controversy: Evaluating Canadian Parliamentary Review of Supreme Court Candidates.” Canadian Parliamentary Review 38(4): 35-43.

Crandall, Erin. 2014.“Does the System of Judicial Appointment Matter? Exploring Women’s Representation on Ontario’s Courts.” Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 26(2): 185-205.

Crandall, Erin, and Andrea Lawlor. 2014. “Third Party Election Spending in Canada and the United Kingdom: A Comparative Analysis.” Election Law Journal 13(4): 476-92.

Lawlor, Andrea and Erin Crandall. 2013. “Committee Performance in the Senate of Canada: Some Sobering Analysis for the Chamber of ‘Sober Second Thought’.” Commonwealth and Comparative Politics 51(4): 549-68.

Lawlor, Andrea, and Erin Crandall. 2011. “Understanding Third Party Advertising: An Analysis of the 2004, 2006 and 2008 Canadian Elections.” Canadian Public Administration 54(4): 509-29.


2024. Erin Crandall, “Are Canadian Cities Entrenched in Provincial Constitutions? A Question of Political Constitutionalism,” in Alexandra Flynn, Richard Albert and Nathalie Des Rosiers, eds., Cities and the Constitution: Giving Local Governments in Canada the Power They Need (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press), 227-242.

2022. Erin Crandall, Andrea Lawlor, and Kate Puddister, “Charter Talk: How Canadian Media Cover Rights and Politics,” in Kate Puddister and Emmett Macfarlane, eds. Constitutional Crossroads: Reflections on Charter Rights, Reconciliation, and Change (Vancouver: UBC Press), 102-120.

2021. Andrea Lawlor and Erin Crandall, “Freedom of Expression in an Age of Fake News: Regulatory Considerations and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms” in Emmett Macfarlane, ed., Freedom of Expression in Canada (Toronto: University of Toronto Press), 76-90.

2020. Erin Crandall and Michael Roy, “Party Fundraisers” in Alex Marland and Thierry Giasson, eds., Inside the Campaign: Managing Elections in Canada (Vancouver: UBC Press), 111-122. With Michael Roy.

2019. “Competing Diversities: Representing ‘Canada’ on the Supreme Court” in Elizabeth Goodyear-Grant and Kyle Hanniman, eds., Canada: The State of the Federation 2017, Canada at 150: Federalism and Democratic Renewal (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press). With Robert Schertzer.

2019. “Covering the Court: News Media Framing of Physician-Assisted Dying from Rodriguez to Carter” in Mireille Lalancette, Vincent Raynauld, and Erin Crandall, eds., What’s Trending In Canadian Politics? Understanding Transformations in Power, Media, and the Public Sphere (Vancouver: UBC Press), 237-56. With Kate Puddister and Mark Daku. 

2018. “Third Party Policy and Electoral Participation after Harper v. Canada: A Triumph of Egalitarianism?” in Emmett Macfarlane, ed., Policy Change, Courts, and the Canadian Constitution (Toronto: University of Toronto Press), 210-29. With Andrea Lawlor.

2018. “Supreme Court Judges: Traditional Elite Roles in a Digital Age” in Alex Marland, Thierry Giasson, and Andrea Lawlor, eds., Political Elites in Canada: Power and Influence in Instantaneous Times (Vancouver: UBC Press), 128-48.

2016. “DIY 101: The Constitutional Entrenchment of the Supreme Court of Canada” in Emmett Macfarlane, ed., Constitutional Amendment in Canada (Toronto: University of Toronto Press), 211-27.

2015. “Intergovernmental Relations and the Supreme Court of Canada: The Changing Place of the Provinces in Judicial Selection Reform,” in Nadia Verrelli, ed., The Democratic Dilemma: Reforming Canada's Supreme Court (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press), 71-85.